Friday morning…almost noon: the fresh Dutch breeze on my face, the gentle birds’ melody in my ear, and the soft sunlight on my skin. Sounds to be a good Friday noon…indeed.
‘People’ getting married on this day and it seems the whole world is watching. I am wondering whether ‘this’ whole world was watching the news when protestors and demonstrators were being shot down in different corners of the world…I think they did watch the news but most of them kept drinking the rest of their coffee, refresh their make up, smoked another cigarette, set their next date, followed the football match, had another bite of their sandwich, gazed at the beautiful body passing their seat at the cafĂ©, and in one sentence continued their lives. What else could they do? That’s what has happened throughout the whole history, isn’t it?
My quest with this contest is almost toward the end: the essays are in, the jury is reading and assessing, probably there will be a conference announcing the winners and a closing ceremony.
What is the next step? Or before that: what have I achieved with this? Spamming you for a while, loosing some friends who did not want to be spammed!
What have we done?
Why have we done this?
For human right?
For humanity?
For sake of doing something?
For nothing?
I can ask the same questions about why the whole world needs to watch ‘people’ getting married.