Monday, March 28, 2011

…can an activist have a weekend?!

I started writing on a Sunday; it was officially during the weekend that I wrote the text…it’s been a very short while that I have promised myself not to work over the weekends, maybe just 2 or 3 hours but not more…weekend is weekend, I promised myself to take care of my body and my mind…I did not want to end up being in the category of ‘burned-out’…so this weekend arrived: I was struggling with the temptation of writing but at the same time was wondering: “Could an activist have a weekend?!”

Weekend would make sense if you have a week that you work and when you reach the end of the week then you do not work any more and that would be your weekend, as simple as this. But now my question is: is activism a work/job? And if so, could an activist have a weekend then?

I am not an activist! I am not an academic either!

I am not anything that is a category, is a label and is a way of being…

I live my way…I do what I want but I can’t hide[1]

I want to live in/at the moment…and over the last weekend, every single moment I wanted to write, I wanted to share, I wanted to tell you how things work for me…I wanted to write about my disappointments and frustration whenever I got a negative reply from the ones I invited to be part of the jury…I wanted to write about my excitement and pleasure when I got positive replies from the ones I invited to be part of the jury…

I missed writing over the weekend…I want the week to never end…

[1] Taken from lyrics of ‘here with me’ by Dido from the album ‘No Angels’

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