Thursday, March 24, 2011

Blank…I’m completely blank…

It’s been one of those days; those days that you think you are empty but you are just actually blank! know that being blank is not equal to being empty, it is just blank! I know these two words are synonyms but not in this context, believe me!

I have a lot going on in my mind, like you, like everyone else, so I am not empty, like you, like everyone else...though when I am blank, I know that I have the information but it’s not completely processed, yet; it is ‘unfinished’; it is devoid of thought and impression...yet there is something there...

It’s one of those bloody blank days...

Since morning I'm trying to write for you, I promised that I will write about ‘how things work for me’, didn't I? I promised to write every single day till the deadline, I want to keep my promise, I will keep my promise...but I'm the time that I sent all those emails and got no reply, no single reply...the information was there, but it was not long should I wait? How long could I wait? How long would I wait? 3 days? 5? a week? 10 days? How long?

Today was one of those days...those days that I'm completely blank!

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