Wednesday, March 23, 2011

…how many emails?

Never liked administrative tasks…although I am good at it, I never liked it: I am precise, careful and organized but I never liked administrative tasks…it is not challenging: copy-paste; signatures; envelops and stamp; right addresses; correct formulation of the letters and so on so fort…I hardly ever enjoyed it…I say ‘hardly ever’ since there was once that I enjoyed it with every bits of my heart…

After the Grand Opening on 15th January, it was of course the time to promote the contest, as much as we could; anywhere with anyone who might be interested, from general public to universities, academic institutes, parliament, NGOs working in the filed, magazines, student associations, close friends, relatives, anyone we could…

Inviting students and researchers to participate…
Inviting universities to promote the contest…
Inviting the academics and parliamentarians to sit in the jury…
Inviting the associations to promote the contest among their groups…
Inviting institution to be financial sponsors of the contest…
Inviting close friends to use their own network…
Inviting Facebook to be the contest promoter…
Inviting…inviting YOU to be part of our quest.

How many emails do you think we have sent for this?

Guess! Make a guess and let me know what your estimation is!

Regardless of the number, I absolutely enjoyed this administration…it put me in contact with so many people that I could never ever thought I will be in contact with…

1 comment:

  1. I think you sent out 573. How many do you think I sent out for Arseh Sevom's online magazine? (I'll send a link when it's up and ready to promote!)
